This is a great use case! There will be a few steps to set this up, but it will work well. You're going to need to use a single sequence as well as 3 IFTTT applets.
Let's create the sequence first, with the following steps::
- IFTTT webhook trigger, with event name camera_motion
- Call IFTTT, with event name hue_lights_on
- Pause for 15 minutes
- Call IFTTT, with event name hue_lights_off

Now, go ahead and create the following IFTTT applets:
- Camera detects motion: Depending on the camera you have and how you want the trigger to work, set up so that if either new sound or motion event or new motion event, then webhook service make a web request to the URL indicated in the screenshot above.
- Turn on the lights: If webhooks service receives a web request with event name hue_lights_on then, Philips Hue service turn on lights with your selection of lights
- Instead of selecting a light here, you could use a Philips Hue scene instead
- Also, if you want to turn on more than one light just repeat this applet for each light you want to turn on
- Turn off the lights: If webhooks service receives a web request with event name hue_lights_off then, Philips Hue service turn off lights with your selection of lights
- As above, instead of selecting a light here, you could use a Philips Hue scene instead
- Also, if you want to turn off more than one light just repeat this applet for each light you want to turn off