Hi Ryan, we think this is one of the most exciting possibilities of SEQUEmatic and there are a couple of ways to achieve it. Here's our recommendation, which uses a couple of sequences. We have also added a tutorial with screenshots.
Sequence 1: Update count when someone comes home
- Start your sequence with IFTTT webhook trigger and set the event name to someone_arrives_home
- Add the variable change step with the following settings:
- variable name is ppl_at_home
- change is +1
- Create a new IFTTT applet as follows:
- Trigger: Location service
- You enter an area
- Action: Webhook service
- Make a web request
- URL: Copy the URL displayed below the trigger step in SEQUEmatic
- Leave the other values on their defaults
- Trigger: Location service
Sequence 2: Update count when someone leaves home
This is similar to the sequence above, but instead of increasing ppl_at_home we will subtract one. Follow these steps:
- Start your sequence with IFTTT webhook trigger and set the event name to someone_leaves_home
- Add the variable change step with the following settings:
- variable name is ppl_at_home
- change is -1
- Create a new IFTTT applet as follows:
- Trigger: Location service
- You exit an area
- Action: Webhook service
- Make a web request
- URL: Copy the URL displayed below the trigger step in SEQUEmatic
- Leave the other values on their defaults
- Trigger: Location service
Sequence 3: What to do when there's no-one home:
- Start with the variable value trigger using the following settings:
- variable name is ppl_at_home
- comparison is equal to
- value is 0
- Add whatever steps you want to perform when there is no-one home
Sequence 4: What to do when the first person arrives home:
- Start with the variable value trigger using the following settings:
- variable name is ppl_at_home
- comparison is rises above
- value is 0
- Add whatever steps you want to perform when the first person arrives home
Let me know if you have any questions or need help setting this up.