Yes, you're right. There was a bug in the way it was setting the day for certain timezones. This should now be resolved. See how it goes this week and let me know if you encounter any further issues.
I have a sequence with trigger "Sunrise on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday" which has fired on Saturday. I have time offset (10.0) and location configured in settings, current time shows correct local time, and the trigger fired at the correct time of day for sunrise.
I suspect there may be an issue with the logic to determine day of week for time zones ~ 6 hours or more ahead of UTC.
Sequence log details
Sunrise - Weekdays was triggered on Sat 3 Aug at 6:29:01.
The following steps ran:
Yes, you're right. There was a bug in the way it was setting the day for certain timezones. This should now be resolved. See how it goes this week and let me know if you encounter any further issues.
I saw the same recently (AZ timezone). My quick band-aid fix was to run the sequence every day, though this limits my options.
Apologies, somehow I missed this comment earlier. Let me take a closer look at this timezone and I'll let you know what I find.