Hi Dan, sure let me take a look at their documentation and see what I can do.
Hi Derek, would you consider adding Govee as a linkable service? They don't support ifttt, but have recently released an open API to allow 3rd party control.
They do a wide range of LED light strips, which I use to backlight my TV's. The downside is I can't trigger these on with sequences, and only voice (via Alexa) or via the app.
Hi Dan, sure let me take a look at their documentation and see what I can do.
Hi Dan, I'm not able to find their API. Do you have a link to their documentation or an announcement?
Hi Derek, I'm currently speaking to them on their forums (accessible via their IOS App) they're advising me this will be available on the next next APP update, but I've asked them to elaborate so I'll come back to you.