I'm having the same problem, I tried it on another user too but it didn't work!
Cannot link to eWeLink, credentials accepted but service does not connect
I'm having the same problem, I tried it on another user too but it didn't work!
Hopefully Derek et al will be able to investigate after the weekend.
I'm having the same problem
Same with me.
Same problem here
Same with me.
Any news ? it seems that no one is interested in helping or the service has stopped working
No news to me. Looking for alternatives 🙄
Apologies for not providing an update here. There is an error being returned by eWelink when trying to connect via their API.
I reported the issue to eWeLink/Sonoff and they are currently investigating. I'll post an update here once I hear back from them.
Hi everyone, good news - this should now be resolved! Please let me know if you continue to face problems.
You may need to unlink and link your eWeLink/Sonoff account.
Hi, now the issue is resolved. Thank you!