My Smart Life devices were linked and working in sequences but today they just stopped All questions

Now my sequences just say "There are no compatible devices on your account." under smart device. I checked for outages, but it shows there are no current outages. All the devices are still listed in my Smart Life app and are working there. On the linked services page, my Smart Life account shows as linked and clicking the refresh button updates the Last Refreshed date/time.

Asked by Nate on April 3, 2024, at 4:22am (edited on April 3, 2024, at 9:28am)

Same here – working 10 hours ago, broken now.

Thanks for reporting this. It looks like there has been a change to the Tuya API which is causing this problem. It's preventing devices from being controlled and is also impacting the ability to link Tuya accounts to SEQUEmatic.

I'm currently working on a fix for this and will provide updates via this Q&A thread.

Thanks in advance for your patience.

Thank you for trying to fix this problem :)

Thanks for getting on this so quickly!

Unfortunately no good news at the moment. I've worked through several tests and cannot find the cause. There are no errors showing in the Tuya API logs either so I have submitted a support ticket to them for review while I continue to triage.
I am getting the problem too with my smart life devices. Please fix the issue as it is not sequematic problem but tuya.

Hi Derek,

Thank you so much for looking into the problem. If it's any help, I am using 'Home Remote' on an old tablet mainly as a dashboard to control my tuya devices and that one seems to work ok so the Tuya API should be fine. The API also seem to work in Postman.

I am not a developer or anything like that but I am just wondering if it has to do with the clock change and your server is still on the wrong time  and now the API doesn't recognise the timestamp as valid when requesting the token...maybe not. I have very little knowledge about how it works, I am just an enthusiast.

Well anyway, I hope you manage to fix the issue as Sequematic is a really nice little interface for smart device automation.

Thanks for your hard work,


Hi! Anotheri Tuya user here. Thanks for taking the time to look into this. Can we do anything to help you with this? Logs, tests, etc?

Yeah, I'm seeing this issue too.  A lot of my stage automations are currently down.

Thanks for looking into it.  I'll go manual for the time being.

Change is the only constant. :-)

I'm going manual for now too. Thanks for working on this, Derek! 👍

I didn't expect it to take this long to resolve...
Is the situation more serious than I thought?

Any new updates on this being fixed? I didn't realize how much I depended on this service. Thank you for the service, and thank you for working on fixing it!

I'll be watching this thread, to see if SmartLife (Tuya) starts working back up. Gonna loop-in Tuya's customer support on this as well.

Hi everyone, thanks for your patience and apologies this took so long to resolve. I've had several emails back and forth with Tuya support and the issue should now be resolved. I've been able to successfully link my own Tuya account but don't have any devices to test with.

If you could please relink your accounts and try your automations, then post back here to let me know how you go.

Hi Derek,

Thanks so much for sorting this. I can confirm that my Tuya devices are all working through SEQUEmatic once again :)

Excellent, thanks for confirming Geri!

Thanks Derek. Can confirm, upon unlinking, then relinking the account, it works!

Hi Derek, a refresh of the link was not enough.
I needed to unlink the services and link them again to get the devices and scenes back.
I now seems okay again.

Thanks for your efforts in this, I am happy it works again!!!

Regards, Rob

Good to know, thanks for sharing Rob.

Hi Derek. When I linked again, all existing sequences worked as they were.

Thank you for your efforts in resolving this issue.

Hey Derek, yes, it's working now. Thanks for fixing this so quickly. You're amazing!

It works.  Thank you for this amazing automation resource!

That fixed it! Thanks Derek!

It worked for a moment but still had the same problem. So, I went to relink the service but shows "the server crashed message". Then I tried again and successfully relinked the service. Now it works again.

Unlink-link works. Didn't have to redo any automation either! Thanks for your great work!! Where to buy you a good beer? :)

Everything works after unlinking and linking again.👍

Maybe it's just me, but I have unlinked and linked 2 times now and it shows linked every time.  However, I'm seeing "There are no compatible devices on your account" after noticing that the webhook automation had stopped working for a switch.  It worked for about 30mins the first time, and then about 2 hours the second time...

Hi, mine is gone now too. Worked all day, but then it was just not displaying scenes, but now it says the 'non compatible device' message...

Geri T

Hi Brian and Geri, can you please confirm whether you're selecting Tuya Smart or Smart Life when going through the Tuya authentication screens? 

When I set up the Tuya integration it was for Tuya Smart, but it looks like they've merged the authentication flows together and it's now possible to authenticate for Smart Life as well. If you're using Smart Life that might be the problem becuase SEQUEmatic isn't set up for that so I might need to make some changes in the backend.

Now it's stopped working again with my smart life devices.

Mine has stopped working again too.

After unlinking and relinking it workings again.

I am using Smart Life to authenticate.

Parfait cela refonctionne, j’ai dissocié et ensuite relié mon compte. Merci Beaucoup !

After relinking, it was temporarily restored, but it stopped working again.
It seems like other people are having the same problem...

Hi Derek,

I've unlinked it just to make sure I am using my Tuya account to authenticate and linking Tuya Smart. I've relinked it and it seems to be working just now. I'll keep an eye on it.

Thank you.


Hi Derek,

I tested both authentication,

It looks like both 'Tuya Smart' and 'Smart Life' auth-links lose connection after an hour.

Thank you.


It is Smart Life that intermittently worked for me.

Unfortunately, it looks like the problem isn't entirely resolved yet for me either. Un-linking and re-linking my account temporarily resolves the issue, but it only seems to last a few hours before stopping again. The only option it gives me on the authentication page is Smart Life.

Hi everyone, apologies I missed another piece of code which needed updating. It automatically refreshes the access token when making a call to the Tuya API.  This has now been updated.

You might need to relink one more time, but hopefully that resolves it.

Hi Derek, I've relinked and it's working great now. Thank you for adding the code for this! Cheers!

Hi Derek, It's been about 3 hours since it was relinked.
but it is working normally.

Thank you for the update!

Hi Derek,
Good you have found a glitch which needed correction.
Will let you know the outcome after some time.
Regards, Rob

Hi Derek,
I can say you defenitly solved the issue now.
It all works as clockwork now.

Regards, Rob

Hi Derek 

I've still got an issue where my simple conditional routines run can tell that the Tuya devices are off and will turn them on, but doesn't seem to recognise when they're on to turn them off (a couple of ceiling lights and a smart plug). It all worked fine before last week. 

I tried unlinking and relinking. I only get the Tuya option, not the Smart Life option. 

Hi Derek,

First off all, thank you for this amazing service.

I also still have trouble using the tuya/Smart Life link. I tried unlinking and linking multiple times but the 'There are no compatible devices on your account' message persists.

Is there any update for this issue?

Hi, I have some problem. I can see devices but not single outlet or parameter. I see only device name

Seems broken again.

fwiw, the Tuya/Smart Life integration is still working fine for me.

I can confirm as well, that all my Tuya devices are still linked and working.

Can confirm it is working again compared to last night.

Hi everyone, in general the service is working. I will email the individual people who have reported issues separately as these seem to be more specific to your accounts.

Hi Derek, can you please email me as my Tuya account cannot be linked anymore

No problem, I have replied to your email and we can work through it there.

Hi, I got the same problem today : "There are no compatible devices on your account." 

Hi Jereck, have you unlinked and relinked your Tuya account recently? I suspect it hasn't worked since this issue in October, and the Tuya authentication token needs to be refreshed.

As I responded in the other thread, I use these sequences daily ;-)

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