Nice idea Elmar!
You can use the helper (see to automatically create sequences to trigger things when someone comes/leaves home.The helper is set up based on counting the people at home.
I have setup checking people at home differently. It costs a little more work, but you'll be more in control. Here is my setup:
Variables (add extra person variables if you have more friends):
Tip: change the true or false state with a variable webhook! See for more info. I use Tasker on Android to trigger a variable webhook (see
Create a Sequence for Person1 (do the same for the other persons):
If you have more persons to check, then create more nested IF statements as grouped IF's aren't available yet (see my feature request; an AND statement would be helpful here.... ).
Next create a Sequence when people are at home:
Run the sequence WHAT EVER YOU WANT
Last create a Sequence when people are NOT at home:
Btw, I like my sequences short and simple. That way you can use and trigger them in other sequences.
Happy programming!
Nice idea Elmar!