Multiple runs on a trigger when variable changes value All questions

I have a sequence that triggers when a boolean variable changes (from true to false or false to true) I would have thought the steps wouldn't trigger if the variable is changed to the exact same value (from true to true or false to false)

Why is this happening?

Asked by AgentBaphomet on December 16, 2019, at 4:08am

Just tested and same at my end. If the variable updates from TRUE to TRUE it will also trigger the sequence.

Thanks for raising this, definitely not expected behaviour. I'll need to investigate this and update the way it works. I'll respond back here once complete.

Ok, I've fixed this now. Here is how the different scenarios work:

  • variable above value: Triggered any time the variable changes and is above the specified value
  • rise above: Only triggered when the value changes to above the specified value, but not if it's already above the specified value
  • variable below value: Triggered any time the variable changes and is below the specified value
  • falls below: Only triggered when the value changes to below the specified value, but not if it's already below the specified value
  • equal: triggered when the value of the variable changes to the specified value, but not if it was already that value
  • not equal: any time the variable changes and is not the specified value
Let me know if any of these scenarios don't seem logical. It would be good to get feedback on whether these make sense and align to what you're expecting.

Thanks Derek,

Sounds good! I'm missing the Boolean tho. What if a Boolean changes?

  1. from TRUE to FALSE or opposite works of course...
  2. from SAME to SAME was the issue...
Did you fix nr2 as well?

Seems to still be working like before, multiple triggers for a change of true to true or false to false.

Agentbaphomet, can you please send me an email so I can take a closer look at your account and the logs? The fix should have taken care of variables 'changing' from TRUE to TRUE or FALSE to FALSE, so I'll need to look at your specific example to work out the issue.

I sent the email

Thanks. I had overlooked the 'variable changed' trigger, and the fix I applied earlier was only for the the checks in my earlier answer post.

I have now also modified this for the 'variable changed' trigger so should be working as expected now. Let me know if this has resolved it for you.

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