A little more info in the sequences that are having issues there are to conditional tests - one embedded in the other. First test is to see if it's dark. If it fails this test then the sequence ends correctly. The next test is to see if the sequence is already running. I put this in so as not to kick off multiple instances of sequences. If a sequence is already running it also successfully stops. When it passes this test and executes the turn on/off of the light (which is successful btw) I notice that in the sequence log there is no indication of "end of condition" (whereas in the successful runs there is).
Example of sequence that stops correctly:
Sequence log details
Backyard Light Control was triggered on Tue 7 Jan at 16:32:36.
The following steps ran:
- Triggered by IFTTT BackyardDetection event
URL: http://sequematic.com/trigger-ifttt-webhook/ABCDEFGH/11368/BackyardDetection - If it's after dark (based on user settings), then...
- Set BackyardSequence to 0
- End of condition
Example of when it continues to run (note no "end of condition" statement):
Sequence log details
Backyard Light Control was triggered on Wed 8 Jan at 0:23:54.
The following steps ran:
- Triggered by IFTTT BackyardDetection event
URL: http://sequematic.com/trigger-ifttt-webhook/ABCDEFGH/11368/BackyardDetection - If it's after dark (based on user settings), then...
- If BackyardSequence is not_equal 1, then...
- Set BackyardSequence to 1
- Call the IFTTT event BackyardLightOn
- Pause for 5 minutes
- Call the IFTTT event BackyardLightOff
- Set BackyardSequence to 0
- Else
- Else