This condition checks whether or not it is during daylight hours.
Note that sunrise and sunset are determined based on the location you select, and should be accurate within 15 minutes of actual sunrise and sunset.
Day of the week
Select one or more days of the week for this to apply.
Latitude and longitude
This information is required to determine the time of sunrise and sunset.
It is recommended you set your location in your user settings, however if you wish to use a different location for this step then set the latitude and longitude co-ordinates of the location here.
You may use this site to determine the co-ordinates.
Use this to offset the start of day time by some number of minutes. This only adjust the time of sunrise, and doesn't affect when evening begins.
For example, if sunrise occurs at 6:00am and sunset is 5:30pm, entering an offset of 30 here will mean that daylight commences instead at 6:30am but still ends at 5:30pm.