

This checks the current time.

Use this condition to check if the current time is:

  • after a certain time (only specify the start time)
  • before a certain time (only specify the end time)
  • between two times (specify a start and end time)



Select the days of the week on which this trigger should run. You can select any combination of days, including all if it should run every day.

Note that this is the day of the start time.

Start time

The current time must be after this time in order for the sequence to progress.

Do not provide a start time if you only want to check the time is before the end time.

The time should be entered in 24 hour format. Some examples are:

  • 10:00 for 10:00am
  • 13:30 for 1:30pm
  • 12:00 for noon
  • 00:00 for midnight

End time

The current time must be before this time in order for the sequence to progress.

Do not provide an end time if you only want to check the time is after the start time.

If the end time is before the start time, end time will be assumed to be on the next day, for example on Wednesday, starting at 22:00 and ending at 9:00 will pass if the time is after 10pm on Wednesday and before 9am on Thursday.

The time should be entered in 24 hour format. Some examples are:

  • 10:00 for 10:00am
  • 13:30 for 1:30pm
  • 12:00 for noon
  • 00:00 for midnight

Time offset

The trigger time is based on the offset configured in your user settings. You should only provide an offset in the trigger if you want it to be based on a different timezone to your user settings.

The current time, based on the offset in your user settings, will be displayed at the bottom of the step.

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